What does Psalm chapter 50 mean?
This segment was written by Asaph, who also composed psalms 73—83. His other works include frustration at the hypocrisy of his era and God's delayed response (Psalm 73:2–3; 74:10). Asaph was a worship leader during the time of David (1 Chronicles 16:7, 37).In dramatic language, the psalm describes God as the transcendent Judge coming to deliver a verdict. The entire world is commanded to hear His statement. The introduction is like Joshua 22:22; it provides a three-part identification which calls Him "The Mighty One," "God," and "the Lᴏʀᴅ." His glory is like brilliant light, fire, and storms. God addresses His people, the nation of Israel (Psalm 50:1–6).
God's complaint against Israel is not that they fail to offer sacrifices. Rather, they offer sacrifices constantly, but the Lord does not accept them. He clarifies that He does not "need" to be given animals, since He already owns everything in creation. Nor does God require food. His purpose in commanding sacrifice is deeper than mindlessly performing rituals. His will is for Israel to perform these rites with a spirit of gratitude and humility. That glorifies God and invites His salvation (Psalm 50:7–15).
Instead, Israel had been arrogantly throwing the Lord's commandments aside and living in blatant sin. God makes note of explicit violations of the Ten Commandments, including theft and adultery (Exodus 20:14–15). The nation has been engaged in division and slander (Exodus 20:16); they tear each other apart, spiritually, while assuming God will not answer. His patience is not weakness, however. Those who refuse to repent will be torn apart, literally, without any hope of rescue. Those who seek the Lord with sincerity and gratitude will see "the salvation of God" (Psalm 50:16–23).