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Psalm 60:8

ESV Moab is my washbasin; upon Edom I cast my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph."
NIV Moab is my washbasin, on Edom I toss my sandal; over Philistia I shout in triumph."
NASB Moab is My washbowl; I will throw My sandal over Edom; Shout loud, Philistia, because of Me!'
CSB Moab is my washbasin. I throw my sandal on Edom; I shout in triumph over Philistia."
NLT But Moab, my washbasin, will become my servant, and I will wipe my feet on Edom and shout in triumph over Philistia.'
KJV Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou because of me.
NKJV Moab is My washpot; Over Edom I will cast My shoe; Philistia, shout in triumph because of Me.”

What does Psalm 60:8 mean?

In response to a critically-timed invasion (Psalm 60:1–3), David has prayed for the Lord to rescue the nation of Israel (Psalm 60:4–5). This passage includes a response where God expresses His power over the lands in question. He has reassuringly claimed ownership and control of Shechem, Succoth, Gilead, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Judah. These were areas associated with Israel's history and her tribes. In this verse, the Lord turns to making similar remarks about the lands of Israel's enemies—but with a much different tone.

Moab was a nation descended from a tragic incident of incest (Genesis 19:36–37). So, too, were the Ammonites who David was fighting to the north (Genesis 19:38). Isaiah 16:6 mentions Moab's cultural pride, stating," We have heard of the pride of Moab—how proud he is!—of his arrogance, his pride, and his insolence." A washbasin was used in cleaning. Of course, this is a dirty, humble role, and not a position of honor. Referring to Moab in this context implies unimportance, control, and subjugation.

God also promised to defeat Edom, another of Israel's long-time enemies (Genesis 36:1; Obadiah 1). This was the nation who invaded Israel from the south while David's army was engaging Ammonites and Arameans in the north. Shoes were symbolically associated with ownership, partly because a person walked on land they owned. Removing a shoe was symbolic of renouncing ownership (Deuteronomy 25:9; Ruth 4:8). Taking off both shoes not only implied respecting the cleanliness of an area, but also the humble person's lack of authority there (Exodus 3:5; Joshua 5:15). Throwing a shoe could represent intense insult or taking possession in a hostile way. The Lord's intent for Edom was harsh judgment.

Philistia, home of the Philistines, was another of Israel's long-time enemies, but God promised victory over them, as well.
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