What does Psalm chapter 66 mean?
No author is assigned to this psalm. David might have written it, but it is likely this song was composed much later. Two possible events are thought of as most likely to have inspired this psalm. One is the defeat of the Assyrian forces who attacked Jerusalem during the reign of Hezekiah (Isaiah 36—37). Another is when Israel began to return from exile after being conquered by Babylon (Ezra 1:2–3).This psalm begins with a worldwide invitation to worship God. The psalmist points to the Lord's miraculous interventions as reason to give Him praise. A highlight of these miracles was the parting of the Red Sea. There, God rescued the nation of Israel from the pursuing Egyptians. The Lord pushed the waters aside so Israel could cross on dry land, then closed those waters over the Egyptian army (Exodus 14). Because God is watching the entire world, no one should presume they can defy Him. For all these reasons, the people of Israel should be especially eager to worship (Psalm 66:1–9).
Israel had suffered many hardships. Some of those were unprovoked attacks by enemies. In other cases, Israel brought those struggles on themselves by ignoring their God. Still, through all of that, God kept the nation intact and its people alive. An example of this is when Israel spent forty years wandering in the wilderness. That was due to their own sin (Numbers 14:27–33). Yet the Lord used this time to "refine" the nation and prepare them to take the Promised Land (Psalm 66:10–12).
The psalm ends by turning to address the people, likely those of Israel. The psalmist declares that he will make good on vows he has made to God. These appear to have been spoken during some severe danger or other trouble. The psalmist intends to fulfill those vows by offering sacrifices to the Lord. He then calls on those who claim belief in the God of Israel to hear about his experience. He honors the Lord for hearing his prayer and rescuing him (Psalm 66:13–20).