What does Psalm 8:3 mean?
It takes many millions of dollars to send astronauts into space and to place satellites into orbit around planets to photograph those distant marvels. However, scientists have only scratched the surface of outer space. Millions of stars, planets, and galaxies lie beyond man's present reach. However, as David noted in this verse, God created all the heavens as the work of His fingers, and He has put into orbit the moon and the stars.When Abraham was alive, the Lord instructed Abraham to look at the heavens and number the stars, "if you are able to number them" (Genesis 15:5). He promised to give Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars. Our appreciation of God's majesty, wisdom, and power grows deeper if we take time during a clear, starry night to look up and scan the heavens. Pagans may worship the sun, moon, and stars, but their focus is poorly placed. It should be on the One who created all these heavenly bodies to give us further evidence that we ought to worship Him.