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Psalm chapter 82

What does Psalm chapter 82 mean?

God has reasons to allow limited human beings to administer government here on earth. Among the most important is to reflect His character of compassion and justice. Restraining evil and protecting the weak are fundamental to the Lord's view of human rulers (Romans 13:1; Psalm 72:12–14; Proverbs 31:9). In this psalm, Asaph depicts God condemning judges who corrupt their positions.

The psalm begins with a depiction of God standing in a gathering of powerful men to deliver His own verdict. The Hebrew word translated "God," meaning the God of Abraham, can also be translated as "god," a general term for a spiritual power. This is the word elohiym. The same term can mean those in positions of power. It carries various meanings in this psalm, defined by their contexts. This does not imply that God rules a cabinet of lesser deities. Rather, it sets up the idea that human authority flows from God's authority, so it should reflect God's nature (Psalm 82:1).

Asaph then speaks from God's perspective. The corrupt judges are commanded to render fair verdicts, to care for the weak, and not to conspire with the wicked. This follows God's consistent commands about such issues (Micah 6:8; James 1:27). Those who fail to do so are replacing justice with wickedness and order with chaos. This undoes the cornerstones of human civilization (Psalm 82:2–5).

These judges, governors, rulers, and other leaders are "sons" of the Most High God, appointed by the Lord's broad command for human government to restrain evil. Jesus refers to these comments when accused of blasphemy (John 10:33–36). No matter how much power they have, these men are still mortal (Hebrews 9:27). They will face the Judge of judges, and Asaph prays for this very thing to happen (Psalm 82:6–8).
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