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Psalm chapter 87

What does Psalm chapter 87 mean?

The "Sons of Korah" were probably a group of important temple musicians during the early years of the nation of Israel. The song recorded here gives a glowing endorsement of Jerusalem: the city God founded and developed as the capital of His chosen people (Zechariah 1:16–17). The psalmist may be looking ahead to the end times when Christ rules from Zion. Or this may be the world reacting in awe to the defeat of an Assyrian army (2 Kings 19:35–36) and responding accordingly (Psalm 87:1–3).

In the end times, every nation will eventually submit to the rule of Christ (Psalm 2; Philippians 2:9–11; Revelation 20:4). Those who come to the Lord in faith, no matter their origin, will be adopted in the family of God (Galatians 3:26–29; Revelation 7:9). Babylon, to the north, was the world's reigning superpower at the time. Egypt—called Rahab here (Isaiah 30:7)—was the most powerful nation of the south. In between were Israel's various rivals and neighbors. The psalmist looks forward to when those people groups all come to the Lord to acknowledge Him as the source of all blessings (Psalm 87:4–7).
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