What does Psalm 9:10 mean?
The Lord is not a disinterested engineer who wound up the world and left it to unwind on its own. He is transcendent and mindful of the cares and concerns of His people. Therefore, those who know His name put their trust in Him. They are assured that God not only knows, but cares, when they are in pain.David notes that God is with His people not just when everything is going smoothly. He is even there when trials buffet them. In Psalm 23, David testifies that the Lord is his shepherd. He is David's shepherd when He makes him lie down in green pastures or leads him beside still waters. The Lord is also David's shepherd in the valley of the shadow of death. David fears no evil because the Lord is with him (Psalm 23). Hebrews 13:5 assures believers that the Lord will never forsake them.