What does Psalm 91:4 mean?
The psalmist compares the Lord's protection of those who trust in him to the protection a mother eagle gives her chicks. This is depicted as the mother spreading the feathers of her wings over them. Similarly, the Lord covers us with His wings. This is symbolic, of course, since God does not have literal wings. This imagery echoes the cherubim: angels who spread their wings over the ark of the covenant (Exodus 25:18–20). These images faced the mercy seat where the high priest made atonement for the people of Israel. Jesus applied similar symbolism when mourning over the stubbornness of Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37).This verse also emphasizes the Lord's faithfulness to those who trust in Him. The word "shield" refers to a larger item which covers much of a soldier's body. This is a common part of ancient armor (Ephesians 6:16). A "buckler" is a small shield, often worn on the forearm. This is rendered in translations such as the ESV and KJV from the Hebrew sō'hē'rāh, which can also be translated as a "bulwark:" a mound of earth raised around a defensive position. Whether the psalmist is repeating the concept of a mobile shield, or using different ideas for protection, the meaning is the same.
Psalm 91:1–4 declares the writer's trust in the Lord as the Most High and the Almighty. He sees God as his defender and faithful protector. This passage uses a wide variety of terms suggesting security, such as "shelter," "refuge, "fortress," "shield," and "buckler." Attempts to use these words as an absolute guarantee of personal safety were refuted by Jesus. He countered that interpretation when Satan tried to use later verses in this psalm as part of a temptation (Matthew 4:5–7).
The psalmist expresses his trust that God is a source of safety. He uses various dangers as symbols of the terrors which God's people do not need to fear. When God has resolved to protect someone, nothing can overcome that safety. Jesus refuted inappropriate use of this promise when being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:5–7). Those who love God, and honor Him, can count on His provision and protection, and know that nothing happens without His approval.