What does Revelation 12:7 mean?
In this verse we read about a war that breaks out in heaven. Michael, called "the archangel" in Jude 1:9, and his angels fight against the dragon, Satan, and the dragon and his angels fight back. The Hebrew name Miyka'el is formed as a question: "who is like God?" Michael appears in Scripture as the defender of holiness and all that is good.Satan is the fourth of seven key individuals listed in this passage: this verse refers to Satan as "the dragon," which is further clarified in verse 9. Satan appears in Scripture as the perpetrator of evil and everything opposed to God. Ephesians 2:2 refers to him as "the prince of the power of the air." We can readily understand why conflict between Michael and Satan breaks out in heaven.
The conflict between good and evil rages today, as Satan attacks believers (1 Peter 5:8). Using trials and temptations, he tries to render believers spiritually ineffective. Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 12:7 a thorn in his flesh, some kind of severe personal trial, which he calls "a messenger of Satan." Ephesians 6:10–12 reminds us that we are engaged in a vicious warfare with the Devil and his demonic followers.
Revelation 12:7–12 describes a war in heaven which breaks out between Michael and his angels and the Devil. Prior to this expulsion, the Devil has access to heaven, where he accuses believers. Job 1 confirms this fact. However, he cannot prevail in his war on Christ and His followers. Genesis 3:15 prophesies his violent opposition to the virgin-born Son of God, and Revelation 20:1–10 reveals his ultimate defeat and eternal punishment. Revelation 13 unveils the Devil's two henchmen, the beast and the false prophet, who assist him in persecuting Israel.
This chapter relates several highly symbolic visions, which introduce figures critical to the end times. First is a woman, representative of Israel. Second is a red dragon, identified with Satan. Third is a male child, who is Jesus Christ. The red dragon seeks to devour the woman's male child, but God caught the child to His throne, referring to the ascension of Jesus after His resurrection. The passage then continues to describe a war in heaven between Michael and Satan—here Satan becomes the fourth key figure—which results in Satan's complete and total eviction from heaven. Satan attempts to destroy Israel, most likely through an armed invasion, which is supernaturally defeated by God through an earthquake. The fifth main figure is the collective ''offspring'' of the woman. These events are given further details in passages such as Ezekiel chapter 38.