What does Revelation 4:11 mean?
John is describing his vision of twenty-four elders, near the throne of God in heaven. In this verse the twenty-four elders recognize that God deserves glory, honor, and power because He is sovereign. He rules the universe as its creator. Genesis 1:1 affirms that He was in the beginning and created the heavens and the earth. Theologians use the term ex nihilo, meaning out of nothing, when referring to God's creative power. Hebrews 11:3 comments that the universe was formed "by the word of God." So, God spoke everything into creation. Only our all-powerful God could do that!This verse assures us that creation came into existence because it was God's will. Certainly, creation does not exist by accident. By an act of His will God spoke everything into existence, including all the laws of nature. Furthermore, every human being owes his or her existence to God's creative work. Although the phrase Mother Nature is popular, it is an incorrect reference to the natural world. The living and true God is the Creator, and He is worthy to receive our praise.