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Revelation 5:12

ESV saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!"
NIV In a loud voice they were saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"
NASB saying with a loud voice, 'Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory, and blessing.'
CSB They said with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing!
NLT And they sang in a mighty chorus: 'Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered — to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.'
KJV Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.
NKJV saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

What does Revelation 5:12 mean?

This verse continues the song sung in heaven, praising Jesus in front of the throne of God.

The trail to Christ's kingdom passed through the cross. When Jesus was on earth, His disciples believed His earthly kingdom was imminent, but He told them repeatedly that He had come to die (Mark 10:45). The angelic host proclaimed Jesus' right to honor and power, in part, because He endured the cross. They declared He is worthy to receive royal acclaim because He "is the Lamb who was slain." He is worthy to receive the power or authority to establish and administrate His kingdom (Revelation 20:4–6).

Jesus is described as worthy to receive wealth. Governments need money to operate, but untold wealth belongs to King Jesus. He will never exhaust His royal treasury as He governs on earth. He will exercise infinite wisdom as He administers justice in His kingdom. He will also exercise His might to subdue every pocket of rebellion that surfaces in His kingdom. As earth's perfect king, Jesus will receive honor or deep respect from His loyal subjects. The glory of His holiness will blanket the earth, and His subjects will bless His holy name.
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