What does Revelation 6:15 mean?
Prior verses described terrifying natural disasters associated with the Lamb opening the sixth seal of God's judgment. According to this verse, the cataclysmic judgments unleashed terrify mankind. No one feels immune to the disasters that strike the heavens and the earth. Every rank and file of society will panic. John lists "kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals, and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free." Nothing exempts those listed from suffering the judgments. The heads of governments, statesmen, military leaders, the wealthy, CEOs, industrial giants, scientists, influential figures, free citizens, and enslaved people will flee to the mountains and hide among the rocks.In that day the powerful will be powerless to withstand God's judgment; the wealthy will not be able to buy their way out of His judgment; and scientists will not be able to apply a scientific formula to make the judgment disappear. No influential figure will be able to persuade the Lamb to reverse His decision to unleash the calamity. The situation everyone faces will be grim and deadly!