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Revelation 9:2

ESV He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft.
NIV When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.
NASB He opened the shaft of the abyss, and smoke ascended out of the shaft like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened from the smoke of the shaft.
CSB He opened the shaft to the abyss, and smoke came up out of the shaft like smoke from a great furnace so that the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the shaft.
NLT When he opened it, smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air turned dark from the smoke.
KJV And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
NKJV And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.

What does Revelation 9:2 mean?

According to this verse, when Satan opens the shaft of the bottomless pit, dense, extremely hot smoke billows from the shaft. The smoke is so heavy and black that it darkens the sun and earth's atmosphere. The pollution that spews from the bottomless pit is an appropriate environment for the spiritually polluted fallen angels.

The bottomless pit—the Abyss—is a realm of confinement for demons. When Jesus cast many demons from a man in the country of the Gerasenes, the demons begged Him not to command them to depart into the Abyss (Luke 8:31). While Jesus reigns on earth for a thousand years, Satan will be confined to the Abyss. Revelation 20:1–3 tells us John saw "an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit [the Abyss] and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended." The bottomless pit or Abyss is also mentioned in Romans 10:7, Revelation 11:7, and Revelation 17:8.
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