What does Romans 1:30 mean?
Paul is building a terrible list of all the ways humanity's refusal to acknowledge God has led to consequences. The majority of those are simply a matter of cause and effect. God steps aside, and allows us to "have it our way," resulting in pain and suffering. Humanity's general attempt to ignore God results in all kinds of sin, which brings all the misery that God warned us about.By nature (Romans 3:23), human beings are slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, and disobedient to parents.
One interesting thing about this list is that it seems to combine what we often categorize as "little sins" along with "big sins." Paul's point is that all of them are evidence of a refusal to acknowledge God. Our sinful desires, actions, and consequences reflect our unrighteousness before God. It's no wonder that He has turned us over to experiencing all the consequences of living apart from Him. He punishes us by giving us what we think we want.
The question Paul will answer is this: Is there a way out of our part in all of this unrighteousness and back to God?