What does Acts 27:22 mean?
ESV: Yet now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
NIV: But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed.
NASB: And yet now I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
CSB: Now I urge you to take courage, because there will be no loss of any of your lives, but only of the ship.
NLT: But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down.
KJV: And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.
NKJV: And now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
Verse Commentary:
Several days before, the ship Paul is on left Myra on the southern coast of modern-day Turkey. It headed west toward Rome. By the island Cnidus, however, it was caught in a strong wind from the north that pushed it south to the eastern coast of Crete. The men on board sailed halfway along the southern coast to Fair Havens. In Fair Havens, Paul warned the ship's owner and pilot. Winter is coming; if they leave, they will lose their ship, their cargo, and the lives onboard. The owner and pilot knew Fair Havens wasn't a good place to spend the winter; they decided to go farther west to Phoenix which has two well-sheltered harbors. But as soon as they left the protection of the mountain ranges, the same wind sent them toward the Libyan sandbars and a typhoon-grade storm (Acts 27:6–17).
The text doesn't say exactly why Paul thought everyone would die. This was probably because of his experience as a traveler, including three shipwrecks (2 Corinthians 11:25). Since they left Fair Havens, he has apparently been praying for the lives of the 276 crew members and passengers, and God has answered his prayer. An angel arrived and reiterated the promise that Paul would testify to Jesus' offer of salvation in Rome (Acts 23:11). In addition, God promised all lives onboard would be spared (Acts 27:23–24).
God fulfills His promise. A wind comes from the southeast and blows them to the island of Malta, just south of Sicily. They throw all the cargo overboard and the ship hits a reef and breaks apart. But everyone lives (Acts 27:39–44).
Verse Context:
Acts 27:21–26 again shifts attention to Paul. He, Luke, and Aristarchus are on a grain ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. They're supposed to be on their way to Rome. Winter winds blew them off course and a fierce storm threatened to push them to a dangerous series of underwater reefs near Africa. At first, Paul thought they all might die. But he has prayed for the lives of the sailors, soldiers, and passengers onboard, and God has promised that although the ship and cargo will be lost, everyone will survive.
Chapter Summary:
Acts 27 is an account of a famous sea voyage. Paul, Luke, and Aristarchus travel from Caesarea Maritima on their way to Rome. False charges and two years of imprisonment in Caesarea led Paul to appeal his case to a higher Roman court, and he is now on his way to that court. The chapter can be divided into seven paragraphs, alternating between descriptions of the sea voyage and Paul trying to keep everyone alive during a horrific storm. Eventually, they shipwreck on Malta. The ship and cargo are a complete loss, but no one dies.
Chapter Context:
Twice the Sanhedrin brought unfounded charges against Paul. In both cases, the ruling governor knew Paul was innocent but refused to let him go. Finally, Paul appealed his case to Caesar (Acts 24:22–27; 25:1–12). He, Luke, Aristarchus, and 273 others sail for Rome. But they shipwreck on a reef off the island of Malta. When they finally reach Rome, Paul will meet with Jewish leaders and tell them how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. Some will believe and some won't. This leads Paul to resolve, once again, to focus his efforts on the Gentiles (Acts 28).
Book Summary:
The summary of the book of Acts is provided in Jesus' words in Acts 1:8: ''But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'' In Acts 2:1–13, the Christ-followers receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:14—7:60 describes the rapid growth of the church in Jerusalem. Chapters 8—12 find Jewish persecution inadvertently spreading the gospel throughout Judea and Samaria. And in chapters 13—28, Paul and his companions spread the good news throughout the Roman Empire.
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