What does Genesis 4:1 mean?
ESV: Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, "I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord."
NIV: Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man."
NASB: Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, 'I have obtained a male child with the help of the Lord.'
CSB: The man was intimate with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. She said, "I have had a male child with the Lord’s help."
NLT: Now Adam had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant. When she gave birth to Cain, she said, 'With the Lord’s help, I have produced a man!'
KJV: And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
NKJV: Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.”
Verse Commentary:
Now begins the story of human history apart from the perfection of the Garden of Eden, as the first generation born into sin comes to earth. Adam and Eve slept together, conceived, and named their firstborn son Cain. Eve's statement of gratitude reflects her continued faith in God's goodness and provision. Even outside of the garden, Eve understood she owed her life and every good gift to the Lord.

In a way, this is remarkable. Eve doubtlessly experienced great pain in bearing and giving birth to Cain, something she would have expected after hearing God's curse for her (Genesis 3:16). Instead of resenting God for that, she gives Him credit for helping her through the process of receiving this gift of a son.

The name Cain in Hebrew is Qā'yin, which is closely related to the word qanah, meaning "obtained" or "gotten." His birth is a happy occasion, and a fulfillment of God's intent to keep the human race alive. Unfortunately, this joy will be marred by Cain's actions later in life, as detailed in the next verses.
Verse Context:
Genesis 4:1–16 tells the beginning of human history in the wake of Adam's and Eve's sin and separation from God. This passage details the murder of Abel by his older brother Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel work the ground and tend sheep. They worship God, but Cain kills Abel in a fit of envy over God's rejection of Cain and his offering. The first human born on earth becomes the first murderer. God forces Cain to leave his family and wander the earth, but God also marks Cain with a promise of great vengeance on anyone who would kill him.
Chapter Summary:
The consequences of sin become apparent in chapter 4: envy, arrogance, rebellion, murder, punishment, separation from family, and separation from God. Adam and Eve's firstborn son, Cain, jealously murders his brother Abel and loses everything. Adam and Eve lose them both. Cain's descendants amplify his sinfulness. Still, God provides help for Eve in childbirth and even provides protection for Cain in his wandering. Eve remains a woman of faith, even in her loss. And the sons of Seth, born after the murder of Abel, become a people who proclaim the name of the Lord.
Chapter Context:
The first three chapters of Genesis explain the creation and loss of paradise, as Adam and Eve are separated from God both physically and spiritually. Their relationship with Him does not end, however. Eve recognizes His help in bearing her son Cain and later Seth. Cain and Abel both worship God until Cain kills Abel. God provides protection for Cain, whose descendants become innovative, artful, arrogant, and violent. The descendants of Seth, however, begin to call on the Lord's name. This chapter bridges the story of Genesis from our ultimate origins to the story of Noah, introduced in the next chapter.
Book Summary:
The book of Genesis establishes fundamental truths about God. Among these are His role as the Creator, His holiness, His hatred of sin, His love for mankind, and His willingness to provide for our redemption. We learn not only where mankind has come from, but why the world is in its present form. The book also presents the establishment of Israel, God's chosen people. Many of the principles given in other parts of Scripture depend on the basic ideas presented here in the book of Genesis. Within the framework of the Bible, Genesis explains the bare-bones history of the universe leading up to the captivity of Israel in Egypt, setting the stage for the book of Exodus.
Accessed 3/28/2025 4:46:51 PM
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