What does Genesis 50 mean?
Chapter Commentary:
Immediately following Jacob's death (Genesis 49:33), Joseph weeps openly and falls on his father's body, kissing his face. This death hits him hard. After ordering Jacob's body to be embalmed—likely meaning mummified—by the Egyptian doctors, Joseph will set about obeying his father's final wish to be buried in Canaan (Genesis 49:29–32). First, however, the state of Egypt observes an official 70–day period of mourning. This is an extraordinary gesture towards a man otherwise unconnected to that culture (Genesis 50:1–3).

Though Joseph has been invested with incredible authority (Genesis 41:44), he is still technically a slave to the ruler of Egypt. This king, known by the title Pharaoh, must be consulted if Joseph is to leave the country. He asks through a messenger, possibly because those in mourning were not allowed to physically see the Pharaoh. Not only does Pharaoh agree to allow Joseph and his brothers to leave for the burial, he sends a huge delegation of Egyptian servants and dignitaries along to honor Jacob. In addition, Pharaoh sends horsemen and chariots. As with Jacob's mourning period, this is an extravagant affair (Genesis 50:4–9).

Along the way, the massive funeral procession stops at a field. There, they spend seven days in traditional ritual mourning rites. Since most of the party are Egyptians, the local Canaanites wonder what has happened. The event is so noteworthy that the Canaanites rename the field. This is a play on words, since the Hebrew terms for "mourning" and "meadow" are almost identical. "Abel-Mizraim" means "meadow of the Egyptians," but sounds much like "mourning of the Egyptians," as well. After this, Joseph and his brothers complete their quest to bury Jacob with his fathers and then return to Egypt (Genesis 50:10–14).

Now that Jacob is gone, Joseph's brothers are overwhelmed with guilt and fear. They are concerned that Joseph was only holding back his rage against them for the sake of Jacob. Many years ago, they had jealously sold Joseph into slavery (Genesis 37:26–28). As it happened, Joseph survived, became a powerful man in Egypt, and rescued his own estranged family from starvation (Genesis 47:11–13). The brothers have already acknowledged their guilt (Genesis 42:21–22), but fear Joseph's vengeance. They send him a message, supposedly from Jacob, pleading with him to be forgiving. They then come to Joseph, in person, and grovel at his feet (Genesis 50:15–18).

Joseph's response is one of the pivotal verses in Scripture. First, he weeps, either at the thought of their unneeded fear, or as he recalls all he has been through. Joseph does not mince words, clearly stating that what his brothers did was evil, and intentionally so. However, Joseph is just as blunt about God's ability to use his own suffering for a greater purpose. Joseph suffered as a wretched slave for thirteen years (Genesis 37:2, 41:46), but this put him in a position of immense prestige and comfort (Genesis 41:50–52). It also allowed him to save many lives, including those of his own family. Those hard thirteen years would lead to eighty years of incredible prosperity (Genesis 50:22). Joseph reassures his brothers that he has no intention of seeking revenge, and plans to continue protecting his extended family (Genesis 50:19–21).

The rest of Joseph's life story is summarized by a few verses explaining his good fortune. He senses his impending death at 110 years old. He has lived long enough to see his great-great-grandchildren. As Jacob did, Joseph makes Israel's "sons"—most likely, the living heads of their tribes—swear to take his body from Egypt someday. This will be accomplished by Moses, centuries in the future (Exodus 13:19). When Joseph dies, he is also embalmed, but his remains are kept in a coffin in the possession of Israel (Genesis 50:22–26).

This ends the book of Genesis. The early verses of the book of Exodus explain how Israel grew and prospered. That process continued for centuries. Unfortunately, a new regime will come to power in Egypt, with no memory or love of Joseph. This dynasty will be the one to brutally enslave Jacob's descendants, setting up God's rescue and the establishment of Israel as a nation (Exodus 1:6–14).
Verse Context:
Genesis 50:1–14 begins with Joseph weeping by his father's deathbed. Jacob is embalmed and an official period of mourning is observed in Egypt. With Pharaoh's blessing and a large company of Egyptian mourners, Jacob's sons travel to Canaan. There, as requested, they bury their father in the family tomb, alongside Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob's wife Leah. Then they all return to Egypt.
Genesis 50:15–21 reveals that Joseph's brothers are consumed with guilt and fear after their father's death. They worry Joseph has been waiting for Jacob to die before taking revenge. This would not be unexpected, as they cruelly sold Joseph into slavery as a teenager (Genesis 37:26–28). The brothers attempt to appease Joseph with a message, supposedly from Jacob, but he tells them not to be afraid. In one of Scripture's most pivotal remarks, Joseph explains his conviction that, though their intent was evil, God's good purposes were behind everything that had happened. Despite their bad intentions, God used their acts to save many lives. Joseph assures them he will not harm them.
Genesis 50:22–26 finds Joseph at the very end of his life. He is 110 years old and has lived to see his great-great-grandchildren. Before he dies, he assures his family that God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still hold true. God will visit them and bring them to Canaan. Joseph makes his family swear to carry his remains back to the Promised Land, one day. After Joseph dies, his body is embalmed and placed in a coffin.
Chapter Summary:
Genesis 50 begins with Joseph's weeping over his father's body, followed by the embalming of Jacob, a 70–day period of state mourning, and a trip to Canaan to bury Jacob with his fathers. Joseph's brothers, worried that he would take his revenge on them for selling him into slavery, seek Joseph's forgiveness. He assures them he will not harm them. The chapter skips to the end of Joseph's life. After assuring his people that God will return them to Canaan one day, Joseph dies and is embalmed.
Chapter Context:
After settling in Egypt, under his son's protection (Genesis 47—49), Jacob dies (Genesis 49:33). He is embalmed and all of Egypt mourns. Joseph buries his father in the family tomb in Canaan, then returns to Egypt. He asks that his body be taken back to Canaan someday. This sets up the events of the book of Exodus. Over centuries, Israel will grow into a prosperous people, only to be enslaved by a jealous Egyptian monarchy. This provides a context for God to rescue Israel and demonstrate His power.
Book Summary:
The book of Genesis establishes fundamental truths about God. Among these are His role as the Creator, His holiness, His hatred of sin, His love for mankind, and His willingness to provide for our redemption. We learn not only where mankind has come from, but why the world is in its present form. The book also presents the establishment of Israel, God's chosen people. Many of the principles given in other parts of Scripture depend on the basic ideas presented here in the book of Genesis. Within the framework of the Bible, Genesis explains the bare-bones history of the universe leading up to the captivity of Israel in Egypt, setting the stage for the book of Exodus.
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