What does Isaiah 66:16 mean?
ESV: For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment, and by his sword, with all flesh; and those slain by the Lord shall be many.
NIV: For with fire and with his sword the Lord will execute judgment on all people, and many will be those slain by the Lord.
NASB: For the Lord will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on humanity, And those put to death by the Lord will be many.
CSB: For the Lord will execute judgment on all people with his fiery sword, and many will be slain by the Lord.
NLT: The Lord will punish the world by fire and by his sword. He will judge the earth, and many will be killed by him.
KJV: For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
NKJV: For by fire and by His sword The Lord will judge all flesh; And the slain of the Lord shall be many.
Verse Commentary:
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Verse Context:
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Chapter Summary:
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Chapter Context:
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Book Summary:
Isaiah is among the most important prophetic books in the entire Bible. The first segment details God's impending judgment against ancient peoples for sin and idolatry (Isaiah 1—35). The second part of Isaiah briefly explains a failed assault on Jerusalem during the rule of Hezekiah (Isaiah 36—39). The final chapters predict Israel's rescue from Babylonian captivity (Isaiah 40—48), the promised Messiah (Isaiah 49—57), and the final glory of Jerusalem and God's people (Isaiah 58—66).
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