What does James 3:1 mean?
ESV: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
NIV: Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
NASB: Do not become teachers in large numbers, my brothers, since you know that we who are teachers will incur a stricter judgment.
CSB: Not many should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we will receive a stricter judgment.
NLT: Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.
KJV: My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
NKJV: My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
Verse Commentary:
Here, James launches into a new passage about controlling our words. He will connect this to the main idea of the chapter 2. This theme was that saving faith in God always leads to a believer participating in good works. As James notes in this very chapter, this does not mean perfection (James 3:2), but it does mean our deeds and words should reflect our faith in God.
James starts, however, with a warning about taking on the title of "teacher." Not many Christians should aspire to be labelled as teachers, James writes. Those who claim the mantle of a teacher will face stricter judgment or "will be judged with greater strictness." The more one claims to know, the more accountable they are held for what they do with that knowledge (John 9:41).
Bible scholars speculate that James's warning was in response to a problem with too many self-titled teachers in the early Christian church. It could be that some truly thought they were wise, when they were still immature in their faith. It's also possible some desired the respect given to teachers, but didn't have either the spiritual gift of teaching or a lifestyle that reflected the truths of Christianity.
James is not suggesting that nobody should become a teacher. It is a much needed role in the church, and God empowers specific individuals to fill it (1 Corinthians 12:28; Romans 12:7; Ephesians 4:11). In the church, teachers are meant to help make the Word of God clear to other Christians. A teacher's job, specifically, is not to prophesy or reveal new truths from God. Instead, they do the work of taking what has been revealed and making it easier to understand and follow.
As James makes clear, "teacher" is not a role which should be taken lightly. Teachers will face a stricter judgment. They will be held accountable to live by the truth they teach, as well as being responsible not to lead people away from God's Word with their own words. The more a person claims to know, the more they are held accountable for acting according to that knowledge. And, the more a person claims the authority to teach, the more accountable they will be for how they lead—or mislead—other people.
As the next verses will reveal, this is a heady responsibility. Our words can be alarmingly dangerous.
Verse Context:
James 3:1–12 discusses talking. This passage continues James's big idea that faith and works go together. Specifically, that what one does (or says) proves what they really believe. Those who trust God, who really believe Him, begin to be changed in their speech, as well. And yet, everyone still stumbles. The tongue is untamable, capable of great destruction. In fact, James calls it a fire and a restless evil that is itself set on fire by hell. We need to be changed. It shouldn't be that we praise God and curse the people made in His image. And yet, as fallen people, we do just that.
Chapter Summary:
Human words are powerful. Our tongues are small, but they are capable of wreaking great havoc. Any person who could perfectly control their words would be in perfect control of their entire bodies. Instead, as sinful human beings, our tongues are untamable. Our words are fire, igniting the entire course of our lives. Blessing God and cursing people should not come out of the same mouth; we are corrupted. James concludes the chapter by exploring what it means to be truly wise. True wisdom is not necessarily found in those with the most education, money, or friends. Rather, wise people can be spotted living wisely in humility, participating in good works, enjoying peace, singleness of purpose, and gentle lifestyles.
Chapter Context:
What does it look like to lead a life characterized by trusting God? Chapters 1 and 2 introduced the idea of how one's actions demonstrate the reality of their beliefs. Here, in chapter 3, James continues to explore this effect. In this passage, he talks about our words and heaven's wisdom. The one with perfect faith in God would have perfect control over his or her words. Worldly wisdom—envy and selfish ambition—with its me-first mentality is a source of disorder and evil in the world. God-trusting, self-sacrificing heavenly wisdom is the source of peace, gentleness, mercy and, ultimately, righteousness. Chapters 4 and 5 will make specific practical application of these thoughts.
Book Summary:
The book of James is about specifically understanding what saving faith looks like. How does faith in Christ reveal itself in a believer's life? What choices does real trust in God lead us to make? Those are the questions James answers. Most scholars believe the writer was Jesus' half-brother, a son born to Joseph and Mary after Jesus' birth. James may not have come to believe Jesus was the Messiah until after the resurrection. Eventually, though, he became one of the leaders of the Christian church in Jerusalem. This is possibly the earliest-written of all the New Testament books, around AD 40–50. James addresses his letter to Jewish Christians scattered around the known world.
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