What does John 13:37 mean?
ESV: Peter said to him, "Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you."
NIV: Peter asked, "Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you."
NASB: Peter *said to Him, 'Lord, why can I not follow You right now? I will lay down my life for You.'
CSB: "Lord," Peter asked, "why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you."
NLT: But why can’t I come now, Lord?' he asked. 'I’m ready to die for you.'
KJV: Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake.
NKJV: Peter said to Him, “Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake.”
Verse Commentary:
When Jesus was washing the feet of the disciples (John 13:5), He explicitly said that what He was doing would not be understood at first (John 13:7). That didn't stop Peter from insisting that, since he didn't understand, he wouldn't cooperate (John 13:8). Peter meant well, but this chapter contains yet another example of his bravado and emotions getting the best of him. Jesus corrected Peter's first incident with stern reassurance (John 13:8–10). Here, however, Peter makes a remark which he probably regretted for the rest of his life.

Scripture gives no reason to think Peter's words are a bluff. He fully believes what he is saying. This is not an attempt to look good, or a fear-covering lie. To Peter's credit, he will launch himself into battle when Jesus is first arrested later this evening (John 18:10). But when faced with true danger, Peter will give in to fear. As Jesus is about to predict, that means even denying he knows Jesus, let alone being willing die with Him (John 13:38).

An additional wrinkle to this exchange is that Judas has already left (John 13:30). The disciples, at this point, do not know that Judas is the betrayer—all they know is that one of the inner circle is a liar (John 13:21). When Jesus gives His prophecy in the next verse, it's all but certain that some of them thought Peter would be the culprit.
Verse Context:
John 13:36–38 describes Peter's arrogant claim to loyalty, as a reaction to Jesus' prediction of a secret betrayer. Peter boldly tells Christ he will follow Him anywhere, even to the point of death. Jesus responds with a devastating prediction: Peter will deny his relationship to Jesus three times that very night. Worse, this comment may have made the other disciples suspicious of Peter—they don't yet know that Judas is the betrayer, so this comment might lead them to think Peter is the traitor. Jesus will continue in the following passages with an extended statement of comfort and grace.
Chapter Summary:
Jesus meets with a smaller group, possibly only the twelve disciples, in a private setting. Before eating a meal, Jesus performs the work of a lowly servant, washing the feet of the disciples. He explains that this is an object lesson. Their Lord is willing to serve in humility, so they are obligated to do the same. Jesus also predicts His impending betrayal, subtly telling Judas to leave and complete His conspiracy. The disciples don't realize what's happened, however. Peter foolishly brags about his loyalty. Jesus responds with a cutting prediction: Peter will deny his relationship to Christ three times in the next few hours.
Chapter Context:
The first twelve chapters of the gospel of John describe the public ministry of Jesus. Starting in chapter 13, most of what John describes are the last private moments Jesus enjoys prior to His crucifixion. This begins with Jesus washing the disciples' feet, establishing both an example and a command for humble service. Jesus also predicts His impending betrayal and Peter's cowardly denials. Following chapters contain Jesus' last instructions to the disciples, including a rich collection of truths which are central to the Christian faith.
Book Summary:
The disciple John wrote the gospel of John decades after the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written. The author assumes that a reader is already familiar with the content of these other works. So, John presents a different perspective, with a greater emphasis on meaning. John uses seven miracles—which he calls "signs"— to prove that Jesus is, in fact, God incarnate. Some of the most well-known verses in the Bible are found here. None is more famous than the one-sentence summary of the gospel found in John 3:16.
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