What does Luke 1:56 mean?
ESV: And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.
NIV: Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.
NASB: Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned to her home.
CSB: And Mary stayed with her about three months; then she returned to her home.
NLT: Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months and then went back to her own home.
KJV: And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her own house.
NKJV: And Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house.
Verse Commentary:
The prior verses form an extended series of quotes and references tied to the Old Testament (Luke 1:46–55). These were spoken by Mary, who is currently bearing the Son of God in her womb (Luke 1:31–33). She received this news from the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26–27) before coming to visit her relative, Elizabeth (Luke 1:39–42). In her song, Mary has praised God for His power, mercy, and faithfulness in keeping His promises.

Elizabeth was elderly and childless (Luke 1:5–7) until given a miraculous announcement (Luke 1:13–17). When Mary comes to visit, Elizabeth is six months pregnant (Luke 1:37). Given that Mary stays with her for another three months, it's likely she stayed until Elizabeth's son was born. This child will be known as John the Baptist (Luke 3:2–3). He will be an important herald of Jesus Christ (Malachi 3:1; 4:6; Isaiah 40:3).

Matthew's gospel points out that Joseph did not know about Mary's angelic encounter—or did not believe it—until he was visited by an angel, himself (Matthew 1:18–21). He and Mary are "betrothed," which is as binding as marriage but does not yet include living together or intercourse. It's possible he did not learn that Mary was pregnant until she returned from visiting Elizabeth and began to show signs of carrying the unborn Jesus.

After this, Luke will focus on the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57–80). This is followed by the well-known and often-recited narrative of Jesus' birth, recorded in Luke chapter 2.
Verse Context:
Luke 1:39–56 contains Mary's visit with her relative, Elizabeth, and her resulting praise of God. Both women are miraculously pregnant. Despite her old age, Elizabeth is several months pregnant with a boy who will one day be known as John the Baptist (Luke 1:13). Mary, a virgin, has recently learned that God has conceived in her the Messiah, to be named Jesus (Luke 1:31). The unborn John reacts when he hears Mary's voice. Mary responds to this with extensive praise of God, calling Him her "Savior." After staying for a while—possibly until the birth of John—Mary returns home.
Chapter Summary:
The angel Gabriel predicts two miraculous births. The first is a son born to Zechariah and Elizabeth: an older, childless priest and his wife. Because Zechariah initially doubts this message, he is temporarily made unable to speak. Their child will be known as John the Baptist, a powerful herald of the Messiah. The Promised One whom John will proclaim is the second birth predicted by Gabriel. He tells an engaged virgin, Mary, that God will miraculously conceive His Son in her. The two women meet and rejoice over their blessings. John's arrival sets the stage for Luke's familiar account of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Chapter Context:
Luke was a travelling companion of the apostle Paul (Acts 16:10); his book of Acts is a direct "sequel" to the gospel of Luke (Acts 1:1–3). Those two books make up more than a quarter of the New Testament. Luke begins by explaining how his orderly approach is meant to inspire confidence in Christian faith. His work is based on eyewitness interviews and other evidence. The first chapter details the miraculous conceptions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Chapter 2 continues with Jesus' birth.
Book Summary:
Luke was a traveling companion of Paul (Acts 16:10) and a physician (Colossians 4:14). Unlike Matthew, Mark, and John, Luke writes his gospel as an historian, rather than as a first-hand eyewitness. His extensive writings also include the book of Acts (Acts 1:1–3). These are deliberately organized, carefully researched accounts of those events. The gospel of Luke focuses on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Luke's Gentile perspective presents Christ as a Savior for all people, offering both forgiveness and direction to those who follow Him.
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