What does Luke 17:32 mean?
ESV: Remember Lot 's wife.
NIV: Remember Lot’s wife!
NASB: Remember Lot’s wife.
CSB: Remember Lot’s wife!
NLT: Remember what happened to Lot’s wife!
KJV: Remember Lot's wife.
NKJV: Remember Lot’s wife.
Verse Commentary:
How much do we really trust Jesus? How much do we value our relationship with God over worldly things? When the two angels walked into Sodom, God had made up His mind: Sodom was going to be destroyed with sulfur and fire. Only Lot and his family would be spared. Their finery, money, lifestyle, and friends were about to melt into the earth. The people of Sodom had sinned sexually and socially (Genesis 19:4–10, 24; Ezekiel 16:49–50), so judgment was coming.

As Lot led his daughters from the city, his wife "looked back." She turned her focus to what she was losing instead of looking forward to God's offer of salvation (Genesis 19:1–26).

When Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation to judge the world for humanity's rebellion against God, God will offer protection for a remnant who follow Him, as He always has. The Lord specializes in remnants: comparatively small pockets of people, surrounded by the evil world, who know God and have faith in Him.

But faith must be consistent with actions or it isn't true faith (James 2:18). When judgment comes, the remnant must remember Lot's wife. If they're at work, they need to flee to safety without going home. If they're in the yard, they need to go immediately, leaving their wallet, provisions, even a jacket in the house (Luke 17:31). This doesn't necessarily mean any person who instinctively avoids something fatal proves they have no faith. But it is a warning not to seek rescue through things of the world, or to prioritize one's life over obedience. Even as we trust Jesus' promises, we must be willing to lose our physical lives, knowing Jesus gives us eternal life (Luke 17:33).
Verse Context:
Luke 17:22–37 may create confusion for two reasons. The first is where to place the events in relation to the end times. Are they before the rapture or at the end of the tribulation? The second complication is the placement of Jesus' teaching. Did He deliver this message while traveling through Galilee and Samaria, or outside of Jerusalem during the final week prior to His crucifixion? Ultimately, neither question is as important as the clear message: Jesus' return will be unmistakable, and those who are not ready will suffer greatly. This passage covers similar material to Matthew 24 and Mark 13.
Chapter Summary:
In his gospel, Luke has often arranged events by theme rather than by strict time order. That seems likely here with a series of teachings about living as Christ followers and ambassadors of God. Christians ought to be careful not to poison the faith of others. Faith is powerful. God's servants should not demand extravagant treatment in return. After healing ten lepers—only one of whom offers thanks—Jesus discusses the state of the world at His future second coming.
Chapter Context:
Luke 17 continues Jesus' teaching about how to live as citizens and ambassadors of the kingdom of God. Luke 15 describes God's love for the lost. Chapter 16 teaches earthly blessings are far inferior to heavenly rewards. Here, He exhorts His followers to lead well, serve humbly, give thanks, and watch for His second coming. In Luke 18, Jesus gives a series of comparisons to show how we are to approach God—as He approaches Jerusalem and the cross.
Book Summary:
Luke was a traveling companion of Paul (Acts 16:10) and a physician (Colossians 4:14). Unlike Matthew, Mark, and John, Luke writes his gospel as an historian, rather than as a first-hand eyewitness. His extensive writings also include the book of Acts (Acts 1:1–3). These are deliberately organized, carefully researched accounts of those events. The gospel of Luke focuses on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Luke's Gentile perspective presents Christ as a Savior for all people, offering both forgiveness and direction to those who follow Him.
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