What does Matthew 26:12 mean?
ESV: In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare me for burial.
NIV: When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial.
NASB: For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial.
CSB: By pouring this perfume on my body, she has prepared me for burial.
NLT: She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial.
KJV: For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial.
NKJV: For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.
Verse Commentary:
The disciples had expressed disapproval for a woman's extravagant act of anointing Jesus with oil (Matthew 26:6–9). "Why this waste?" they asked. The price of the ointment was nearly a year's wages, assuming the description in John 12:1–11 is of the same event. Why not sell the ointment and feed some hungry people? This is not a completely unreasonable concern; the disciples are aware of the poor around them and Jesus' commands to care for others.

Jesus has corrected them for attempting to rebuke the woman. He calls her act of devotion "beautiful" (Matthew 26:10) thing. It's not that giving to the poor is not important. Instead, Jesus emphasizes that His time with them in person is short. This is the only opportunity she will ever have to make this specific gift.

Now He adds another detail to the meaning behind this bold anointing. Whether this woman, likely Mary (John 11:1), understood it or not, the ointment she poured over Jesus has served to prepare Him for His burial. Anointing the body of someone who has died was an important part of the burial custom of the time. Jesus knew He would soon be crucified, as He had repeatedly told the disciples. More was going on in this anointing than extravagant hospitality. This woman was participating in the preparations for the Messiah's death and burial.

This forms an indirect prophesy of sorts. There will be no time to properly anoint Jesus between His death and burial (Luke 23:52–56). The event Matthew describes here is something of a provision of God, seeing to that detail. After Jesus' burial, several women will bring spices to further anoint His body only to find Him missing (Mark 16:1–5).
Verse Context:
Matthew 26:6–16 finds Jesus and the disciples in Bethany at the home of a man identified as "Simon the leper." A woman, likely Mary the sister of Lazarus, opens a bottle of extremely expensive ointment and anoints Jesus' head as He reclines at the table during dinner. The disciples think the ointment should have been sold and the money given to the poor, but Jesus insists she has done a beautiful thing that will prepare Him for burial. Judas then offers to turn Jesus over to the chief priests. They pay him 30 silver pieces, a price ironically associated with the cost of a common slave.
Chapter Summary:
The Jewish religious leaders further their plots to arrest and kill Jesus, finding a willing traitor in Judas Iscariot. A woman anoints Christ with oil during a dinner at Bethany. Next, Jesus and the disciples hold the Passover meal in an upper room where Jesus predicts His arrests and introduces the sacrament of communion. Then Jesus prays in unimaginable agony in the garden of Gethsemane before being betrayed by Judas and captured. The disciples scatter. Before the high priest, Jesus explicitly claims to be divine. They convict Him of blasphemy and sentence Him to death. As this happens, Peter denies knowing Jesus and runs away in shame.
Chapter Context:
After a long series of teaching (Matthew 24—25), Matthew 26 begins with Jesus saying He will be delivered up for death. Christ is anointed at a dinner in Bethany and Judas agrees to turn Him over to the chief priests. Jesus holds a Passover meal with the disciples, predicts an act of treachery, and introduces the sacrament of communion. He tells the disciples they will run in fear and that Peter will deny Him, which happens just as prophesied. Christ prays in great sorrow in a garden and is then arrested and taken away and unfairly sentenced to death. After this, Jesus will be taken to the Roman governor, where Jewish leadership will press for Him to be executed as an insurgent.
Book Summary:
The Gospel of Matthew clearly shows the influence of its writer's background, and his effort to reach a specific audience. Matthew was one of Jesus' twelve disciples, a Jewish man, and a former tax collector. This profession would have required literacy, and Matthew may have transcribed some of Jesus' words as they were spoken. This book is filled with references to the Old Testament, demonstrating to Israel that Jesus is the Promised One. Matthew also includes many references to coins, likely due to his former profession. Matthew records extensive accounts of Jesus' teaching, more than the other three Gospels.
Accessed 3/28/2025 2:46:05 PM
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