What does Romans 10 mean?
Chapter Commentary:
The prior passage concluded with Paul's declaration that his people, Israel, had tried to become righteous before God in the wrong way: by relying on their attempts to keep the law. They had refused to come to God by faith in Christ. Paul quoted Isaiah to show that Christ was the "stumbling stone" for Israel, but that all who believe in Him will not be put to shame.
Romans 10 begins with Paul's heartfelt confession that he prays for Israel to be saved. He is eager for each of his Jewish brothers and sisters to believe in Christ. He praises them for their enthusiasm for God, though they are ignorant of how to reach God's righteousness through faith in Christ (Romans 10:1–4).
Instead, the Israelites continue to try to be declared righteous by God for their religious law-keeping, despite how they continue to break that law. They continue to wait for the truth they already know to come down from heaven or up from the abyss when Jesus Christ has already done both of those things. Paul repeatedly references the Old Testament Scriptures both directly and as an analogy to make his bottom-line case about what is required to be saved (Romans 10:5–8).
Verses 9 and 10 are likely the most quoted verses from this chapter: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Paul spells out that this opportunity to be saved by faith in Jesus is available to everyone, with no distinction between Jews and Gentiles. The Lord is the Lord of all people, and He gives good gifts to all who call on Him. Everyone who calls on Him will be saved. (Romans 10:9–13).
Next, Paul shows how necessary it is for him to continue preaching this gospel, regardless of the objections of those who oppose him. If people must call on the name of Jesus to be saved, they must first believe in Him. Before they can believe, they must hear about Him. In order to hear, someone must preach to them. And before a representative of Christ can preach, he must be sent. Still, not all have obeyed the gospel. That is, many people—especially the Jewish people—have not believed in Christ though they have heard the word of Christ. Why is this? Is it because they haven't really heard? Paul rejects that idea with a quote from Psalm 19. He insists that the gospel of Jesus is reaching the ends of the world (Romans 10:14–17).
If they have heard, then did they not understand? Did the Jewish people truly never comprehend that God intended to welcome all who come to Him by faith? Paul quotes from Moses to show that they should have heard God's own words that He would one day make Israel jealous of those who are not nations. Then Paul references God's words in Isaiah 65 that He would be found by those who did not look for Him, describing what was happening with the Gentile believers in Jesus. Still, God waits patiently for Israel with His hands held out to receive them should they turn back to Him (Romans 10:18–21).
Verse Context:
Romans 10:1–4 describes Paul's honest desire and prayer for the people of Israel to be saved through faith in Christ. He acknowledges their enthusiasm for God, but that cannot overcome their ignorance about how to reach God's righteousness. It is not through keeping the law; that's impossible. It is through Christ alone that anyone can receive the righteousness of God.
Romans 10:5–13 explores how Israel's people have, for the most part, rejected God by refusing to trust in Christ. Instead of waiting for some new truth to fall from heaven, or float up from the abyss, they ought to recognize that truth has already been given. All who confess Christ as Lord, and believe in His resurrection, will be saved. This is true for both Jews and Gentiles.
Romans 10:14–21 explains that, despite hearing the gospel and understanding it, Israel continues to disobey. Paul works through a series of questions, showing where and how Israel has failed to accept the truth given them by God. His point is clear: the people of Israel have been given more than enough knowledge, and so they ought to recognize their Messiah. Despite that stubbornness and failure, God waits, still holding out His hands to His people.
Chapter Summary:
Paul's heart is broken for his people, Israel. He prays they will be saved through faith in Christ. Their enthusiasm for God is made useless by their attempt to be made righteous by their own law-keeping instead of by faith in Christ. What, then, is required to be saved? One must confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead. The same is true for both Jews and Gentiles. God waits patiently for Israel to turn and believe.
Chapter Context:
Romans 9 concluded with Paul's declaration that Israel has stumbled over the stumbling stone of Christ. Romans 10 describes Paul's heartfelt prayer that Israel would be saved, despite her commitment to saving herself through works. Why have the Israelites not confessed the Lordship of Jesus and believed in the resurrection? It's not for lack of hearing and understanding; they are disobeying the gospel. Paul will insist, though, in the following chapter, that God has not rejected Israel. He still holds out His hands to her, offering salvation through faith in Christ.
Book Summary:
The book of Romans is the New Testament's longest, most structured, and most detailed description of Christian theology. Paul lays out the core of the gospel message: salvation by grace alone through faith alone. His intent is to explain the good news of Jesus Christ in accurate and clear terms. As part of this effort, Paul addresses the conflicts between law and grace, between Jews and Gentiles, and between sin and righteousness. As is common in his writing, Paul closes out his letter with a series of practical applications.
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