What does Isaiah 27:8 mean?
In this section, Isaiah describes the difference between the godly wrath experienced by Israel and the wrath poured out on other nations. God's ultimate plan for Israel is restoration. Their ultimate fate is to be like a thriving vineyard that will fill the world with her fruit. Yes, the Lord has used the empires of the world to bring judgment on His unfaithful people. But He has brought even harsher judgment on those empires. All have either been erased or will be one day.The Lord's judgment of His people, His discipline (Hebrews 12:7), is measured out precisely to fit Israel's guilt. It is severe but limited to keep the nation from vanishing completely. God deals out His judgment "measure by measure," by means of their exile. His goal is always to bring His people back to Himself in genuine repentance, never to end them permanently.
It's not that the Lord's discipline was easy. Isaiah compares the judgment of the Lord to a scorching desert wind. It removed His people from the Promised Land, blowing them into exile to atone for their faithlessness to Him.