What does Philippians 1:7 mean?
In verse 6, Paul expresses his confidence that God will continue to sanctify the believers of the Philippian church. This conviction comes from Paul's trust in the power of Jesus Christ. And, it is supported by his experiences with the believers of Philippi. Paul knows that this is the correct view, because he was closely connected with these believers. He had lived among them for a time (Acts 16) and had apparently stayed in communication with them since those days.Interestingly, the Greek phrase translated as "I hold you in my heart" can also mean, "you hold me in your heart." In context, Paul is clearly speaking about his feelings towards the Philippian church. However, this phrase shows how the connection between them was hardly one-sided.
These believers shared in Paul's ministry in two major areas. First, they shared in his imprisonment. Whether Paul was free to preach, or trapped in a prison cell, the Philippian Christians sent him their love and support. Many others would leave Paul during his ministry, yet the Philippians remained faithful. Second, they shared in his ministry of the gospel. This included defense (speaking against false teaching) and confirmation (positively presenting the gospel).